
Generating a 1024 bit prime number was not easy now and was not easy then when I was in college. But it had to be solved as a part of my thesis work. Being one of the few guys without his own computer, I used to spend late hours all alone at my department lab. On one such night my glance fell on to the clock which showed 00:00 hrs, to the monitor on my right and my heart skipped a few beats. I saw something being typed endlessly on the screen line after line in black on a white background. That probably was the most scariest incident in my life.

How and When does my daughter know me?

A lot happened in my long break from this space. Just before last Christmas Me and Harsha (my wife) were blessed with a baby girl. Of course the kid is sweet, cute, adorable, princess and a host of other adjectives and superlatives. This is post is not about what she is or what I feel she is, this post is about my journey to understand when and how she knows me? This post is mostly to bring out various questions throbbing my mind.

Bangalore, Leadership and Human Capital

Human capital and leadership are intertwined and our session at SLP Bangalore on Leadership and Human Capital had amazing leaders to share their story and guide us along the way.

SLP Bangalore Class 3

It was Product Development and Customer Day at SLP Bangalore. We met on Saturday 13th of November for what was a very productive day.

"You are not your User",  was the gist of the talk by Shyam Narayan from dig designstudio. Shyam walked us through his experience of designing for various customers, he discussed the approach they typically follow at their design studio while designing products. The four stages of Absorb,Ideate,Prototype and Validate set the tone for the rest of the day.

What am I doing?

In my last post I mentioned that I am working on developing a mobile analytics platform. Here in this post I will give a you a peek into what prompted me to come up with this idea, what my vision for this platform is. Some of you might feel this goes over your head, please do not worry, I will be dissecting all the aspects of this project and my journey in the days to come. The purpose of this post is to capture my thought process and give you a snapshot of how I arrived at working on this idea and why I believe I am one of the guys right for something like this.