Super Charge Firebug with FireTools

Check out FireTools a must have collection of Firefox extensions to push you to a new level of developing web applications. These set of Firefox extensions work with Firebug and simplify your web application developing/debugging process.

10 Useful Firefox Extensions to Supercharge Firebug is a post by Jacob Gube. The list contained 10 Firefox extensions which go a long way in helping develop Web applications. I find myself evangelizing Firebug and some of the extensions like YSlow to a lot of folks at the company I work and else where. Now the above list got me thinking if there is any way I could just push all these extensions to people without them asking me for names/links. That was when another new feature introduced in Firefox came to my aid.

This new feature I am talking about is Firefox Add-On Collections. This lets you create a collection of Add-Ons and share it with the world. Here's my Ode to all those behind these wonderful tools: FireTools.

FireTools contains the following Firefox Add-Ons:

I am missing the Page Speed Add-On that Jacob mentioned. If any of you can help me add it to the collection it will be great. Please go ahead and add the collection to your favorites. I will keep it updated with the Firebug tools that we cannot do without.

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