Design Resources

This is my first post on design resources. Today I am posting a list of resources which I have come across over the last few days. From now on you will get more and more posts on how to approach design as and when I research a topic I will present my learnings over here.

For now we will go with a list of resources, I will keep updating the list, so keep tuned to this post. Currently I am not rating the links but will keep grading them as it gets updated.

A list Apart. (The best resource for people who make websites)

AlertBox (By Jakob Nielsen, a Usability expert)

AskTog (Interaction Solutions for the real world)

Humanized (A company which makes software for Humans!)

Tutorial Blog (One stop source for tutorials)

24 Ways (To Impress Your Friends)

5 Tips for faster loading websites

Optimizing Load Times

Principles of Beautiful Web Design

Komodo Media

Web Design Considerations

Web Design Group

Usability News

Usability First

[wHat nOt tO do]

Bad Designs


50 Online Accessibility and Usability Tools

Pingdom Tools


Browser Shots

Website Optimization

31 Free Online Tools